Prepaid Subscriptions

The perfect gift for a loved one or even yourself!

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Save on Annual Subscriptions
Choose one of our three best-selling offerings and select a cadence of either 3,6, or 12 months.
Select your friend or loved one's address at checkout and the item will ship for free.
The subscription will only be charged once at checkout, so there's no need to remember to cancel it or update your payment settings.


How do I send my subscription to a friend?

Log into your account, select "skip", then select "gift order".

Can I add a non-subscription product (or products) to my next subscription shipment

Yes!  First login to your account then navigate to the "you might also like" section. If the item you wish to add on isn't visible please reach out to

How is Sightglass coffee sourced?

The production of exceptional coffees is a collaborative, meticulous and multi-faceted effort. All coffees are sourced in freshly harvested lots through direct relationships with producers and cooperatives committed to quality and sustainable business practices. We travel to origin throughout the year, exploring new coffee sources, checking in with cherished producers, and offering premiums for quality. The long-standing partnerships we nurture are built upon trust—trust that our producers will convey to us what they need to thrive and trust that we will do everything we can to support them. Visit Our Company page to learn more about our sourcing practices.