The Clever Dripper couples the ease and control attainable with a full-immersion brewing device with the cleaner profile of paper filter brewing.
Start Brew GuideBrew time
3:30-4 minutes
20 grams fresh, whole bean coffee
10 liquid ounces fresh, filtered water + additional for rinsing paper filter
What you'll need
Clever Dripper
#4 Filtropa Filters
Burr Grinder
Pouring Kettle (optional)
Digital Gram Scale
Your favorite mug
Fold the filter along the bonded seams and insert into the Clever brewer. Rinse the filter with hot water. Leaving the filter in place, discard the water.

Weigh out 20 grams (about 2 rounded tablespoons) of whole beans. Grind the beans to a medium-coarse consistency.

Pour the ground coffee into the filter, giving a gentle shake to settle the grounds. Place the Clever onto your scale and tare to ‘0 grams.’

Allow your water to reach a boil, and then wait 45-60 seconds. Start a timer. Carefully pour 300 grams (10 oz) of brewing water over the grounds. Let stand for 30 seconds, allowing the coffee to absorb the water. Give a quick, gentle stir to evenly immerse the grounds into the brew. Cover the Clever with its lid.

At 2 minutes, set the Clever atop a mug to release the brew. This process should take about 1-1:30 minutes.