The Hario V60 is our go-to brewing device here at Sightglass, producing a clean and balanced cup that can be brewed quickly with minimal clean-up.
Start Brew GuideBrew time
2:30-3 minutes
20 grams fresh, whole bean coffee
11 liquid ounces fresh, filtered water + additional for rinsing your paper filter
What you'll need
Hario V60-02 Dripper
V60-02 Filters
Burr Grinder
Pouring Kettle
Digital Gram Scale

Unfold the filter and insert into the dripper. Place your V60 cone atop a mug and rinse the filter with hot water. Leaving the V60 and filter in place, discard the water in your mug.

Weigh out 20 grams (about 5 level tablespoons) of whole beans. Grind the beans to a fine-medium consistency.

Pour the ground coffee into the filter, giving a gentle shake to settle the grounds. Place the V60 on your scale and tare to ‘0 grams.’

Allow your water to reach a boil, and then wait 45-60 seconds. Start your timer and pour 30 grams of brewing water into the center of the bed of grounds. Let stand for 45 seconds, allowing the coffee to absorb the water.

Begin pouring a steady, even stream of hot water over the grounds in a circular motion. Aim for the center of the cone, avoid pouring water directly onto the filter. Keep the water level within the cone at about two-thirds full. Continue slowly pouring at the center until your scale displays ‘320 grams.’

When all the water has dripped through the filter (ideally between 2-2:30 minutes), remove and discard the filter and brewed grounds. Drink up!
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